Our cunningly laid plans are starting to unravel. We have done admirably so far, but the reality is we are a bunch of past our prime men (except that young bastard Tim) not coping with life as carefree professional cyclists and it's taking it's toll. Breakfasts are taking longer, packing up and moving on is done with less vigor and no matter how hard we push on our pedals the message isn't really getting through to our legs.

Better than a jandal fence for sure.

We popped in to the North Fruita trails but only managed one run as the high speed pedalling required to maintain optimum fun was wearing us out. After a quick visit to Rad Ross Schnell's bike shop we found another mexican restaurant to eat too much and then it was all over.

Coil shocks are all the rage on the gentle slopes of North Fruita. $1200 USD will get you a Push Industries shock absorber.

Dry, dusty, hot and not quite steep enough for us downhill demons. Lunch anyone?

I made a new friend at the trails. What's the 9mm automatic handgun for Cletus, I asked him. To shoot any F****** who tries to steal my rifle. Voting for Trump? I asked. You betcha! He replied.

Whaddya know! Rad Ross almost won the world champs on the same bike as my commuter.      ( My Top Fuel is about 6lbs heavier)

We made the call to head  to Moab and straight into our luxury pad which will be home for the next 3 nights. Revitalised we hit the only shuttleable trail in town for a few runs of more rock slab goodness with some pretty rad drops and loose and dusty turns. Daves trail was a hit.

Dinosaur country. The boys won't let me stop every 10 minutes to take photos so I have to shoot from a speeding SUV.

Jeff warming up his tyres on Daves trail

Stefan dropping in. It looks easy enough but some of those slabs have a very sharp edge and speed can easily kill you if you get it wrong.

Simon and Tim, fast and loose. The trail I mean.

Steeper than it looks huh James? Tim stops to make sure we survive the ragged rock drops.

Simon got all cocky and started popping off every ledge he could find.

The owner of this truck had a very sunburnt neck.

The plan tomorrow is to ride the two best sections of the Whole Enchilada. We will attempt a dawn start so it's an early night and that's why this blog is short (I type with my thumbs so each story takes a few hours). Chat tomorrow then.