One Up Components Chain Guide
With the advent of narrow/wide chainrings I can only breathe a sigh of relief that I never invested all my money in a chainguide company. Sure, I still run a guide for added security but I sure don’t need a fussy top and bottom roller set-up that used to jam my chain often, or get smashed out of shape on every badly rolled log or rock.
One Up Components realized the need for a minimalist top guide that was easy to set-up, could be installed/removed without crank removal, and could be flipped up to remove/replace the chain.
Multiple adjustment points to suit any chainring. Boost, oval , you name it.
This guide is the shizzle. Only 35 grams, comes with 2 guide blocks (black and a green), stainless ISCG bolts, 26-38T compatibility, single tool adjustment, boost and oval ring compatibility, has 5.5mm of in/out adjustment and comes in ISCG 05 and a low direct mount version . There are 4 bikes out there that it wont fit perfectly (I forget which ones but my Bronson is one of them) which have the ISCG holes rotated a little more anti-clockwise for some odd reason (International standards fail right there) but I fitted the guide on it with out realizing and it still works great, just sits a little further back and lower than ideal. They have recently bought out a 105 gram Bash guide too, which has more wrap around the BB with a third mounting hole and a detachable bash plate to combat the added abuse that the newer lower racebikes are being subjected to. It’s such a neat little inexpensive item that works so well that (like a MarshGuard) I think everyone should have one. You won't see One up in the shops as they were one of the early adopters of direct sales to the consumer (that's you) so you'll need to get online and get out your credit card.
Rosara and me testing products at the One Up Components HQ in Squamish last year. They have a fridge full of beer and chainsaws and axes on the wall. My kind of place. photo : Mark Dangerfield
The guide itself can pop up out of the way with the flick of a 4mm allen tool. It just swivels back, clicks into place and then just needs a quick tighten back up.No fiddling about to get it aligned again.
One Up do some pretty neat upgrades for your drivetrain.